Only female students can avail of the platform provided by Internship Bank. As to why has the platform been limited to female students- please refer to Internship Bank’s “Our Vision” page at For specific technical requirement details please refer to the relevant internship offer requirements.
FAQ Group: FAQs for Students
Here are some common questions we receive from potential internship offerors. Trust you would find the responses to these commonly asked questions, useful. However, should any of your question be absent from the below list, please email Debolina at
What kind of internship offers do you have and is Internship Bank only for law students?
We try to source all kinds of internship opportunities (and not just in the subject area of law). While currently on Internship Bank’s website you might find more internship opportunities for law students, our target audience is definitely not just law students! So keep a close watch!
Since the platform narrows down the selection criteria, does it tend to compromise the quality of students being selected?
NO. Internship Bank does not compromise on the quality of students. The platform only facilitates channeling of profiles to the right authorities, of highly meritorious female students who have excellent academic and extra-curricular accomplishments but lack the brand name of o good university or college, or come from a humble background and lack established references… Continue reading Since the platform narrows down the selection criteria, does it tend to compromise the quality of students being selected?
When should I apply?
We encourage prospective interns to apply at least three months ahead of the advertised start date of the internship opportunity or as soon as the internship position is advertised on Internship Bank’s social media platforms!
Are all internship opportunities listed on Internship Bank’s webpage “live” opportunities?
Yes, all opportunities advertised on Internship Bank’s website are live opportunities!
If social media sites of Internship Bank advertise success story of a particular candidate in securing an internship offer from Company A, can I still apply to Company A or is the position now with Company A closed?
You can still apply to Company A, as most internships advertised on the platform have rotational requirement for interns throughout the year! Therefore, you can always apply requesting for an internship opportunity for a later date!
Are female candidates from top schools and universities completely barred from accessing internship opportunities and benefiting from the Internship Bank platform?
Generally yes, as Internship Bank was initiated to mainly cater to female students from lesser-known colleges and who either come from humble backgrounds or are first-generation professionals. However, an exception can be made where in spite of having a brand name of a top college, your house-hold financial situation is not so stable. In such… Continue reading Are female candidates from top schools and universities completely barred from accessing internship opportunities and benefiting from the Internship Bank platform?
What is the best way to remain in touch with the latest internship opportunities?
We would strongly recommend that you click the follow button of our social media SitesIncluding: This is so because the social media platforms are updated first with the latest internship opportunities before the webpage itself!
How can I better secure an internship?
To increase your chances, provide us with ALL the information required in the application system and check your emails frequently! Further, please research on members of the Internship Bank and the online platform itself. Nothing puts off a personnel of Internship Bank from proceeding with your application when your questions reflect that you have not… Continue reading How can I better secure an internship?
When should I expect to hear from you after interviews?
We don’t guarantee a specific timeframe for releasing internship results. However, if you do not hear from us within three weeks of submitting your application, please consider your application to have been unsuccessful! We then strongly encourage you to submit your application for other advertised internship opportunities! If you have any enquiries on your application… Continue reading When should I expect to hear from you after interviews?